The enemy constantly attacks with the intent to kill, steal and destroy our faith, identity, and purpose (John 10:10). We must be aware of his devices and know how to resist them in faith until we overcome and see the victory (2 Corinthians 2:11, 1 John 5:4).
One way the enemy tries to get us off track is by planting misconceptions about God, ourselves or others in our minds and hearts. He presents a half-truth or a reason for offense in efforts to distort our identity and destroy our calling.
A misconception is an erroneous belief, thought or mindset. It’s not fully based on truth. It’s an idea we hold maybe towards ourselves or others that’s tainted, misconstrued, and ultimately mistaken. It's based more on opinion than on the Word of God.
There are common misconceptions that try to steal from us in our walk with Christ. Comparison, condemnation, a victim mentality, and perfectionism all creep in as subtle ploys of the enemy to distract us from what the Word says. Let's look at them in detail:
Comparison gets us to focus on what or who we are NOT. It sounds like "Well I should be like her... I don't talk that way but I should if I'm going to have the same influence... I need to measure up to the example that person is setting..." This misconception only takes away from the fact that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and called for such a time as this! It diminishes our individuality and holds us to expectations that we weren't designed to meet. It's not wrong to look up to role models or be inspired by others. But a fine line gets crossed the moment we can't recognize and celebrate the person God has called us to be at this moment in time. Comparison ruins who we are becoming by making us think we should be someone else.
Condemnation is an attack the enemy uses the moment after you feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit and repent. It's the voice that tells you God's mad and could never forgive or redeem you, that you might as well throw away your calling right now. Condemnation is a lie from hell so don't you dare let it take away your confidence with the Lord! The enemy is after your faith because he knows the moment he gets you defeated in your mistakes, you'll stop believing God for big things. Don't fall into this costly misconception. God is for you, not against you! You are forgiven, redeemed, and a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).
The victim mentality is what the enemy uses to get you offended so you'll throw a pity-party and isolate yourself. This is a dangerous place to be so be aware of this item in Satan's play-book. You're not a victim in Christ, you're a VICTOR. You're not a lost cause, you're growing from faith to faith. You're not a LOSER, but the enemy IS and you can remind him of that fact every day of your life by walking free from a victim mentality.
Perfectionism or the pressure to perform is what causes you to think you're never enough. It's the trap most people-pleasers fall into. But once you realize that Jesus is enough and the work of the cross is redemptive, bringing you into a place of sonship, not slavery, that's when you stop striving. Allow Christ to perfect you daily through grace. Not through pressure, not through condemnation, not through comparing you to others, but through His perfect love working in you.
Now that you know what misconceptions can look and sound like, make a game plan to combat them! Get your scriptures, declare your affirmations from the Bible until they are ingrained in your identity. You can get to the point where you are unmoveable even when the toughest opposition comes to attack.